The history of cosmetics spans at least 7,000 years and is present in almost every society on Earth. Archaeological evidence for the existence of cosmetics dates back to ancient Egypt and Greece. Some sources mention the use of castoroil in ancient Egypt as a protective conditioner and creams made from beeswax, olive oil and rose
Which Country has the Best Olive Oil?
Olive trees can survive drought, adapt to almost any sunny or temperate environment, thrive in most types of soil, and even endure periods of low temperatures. One of the oldest known olive trees is over 3,000 years old and it still bears fruit in Crete. Today there are about 800 million olive trees growing on
Olive trees can survive drought, adapt to almost any sunny or temperate environment, thrive in most types of soil, and even endure periods of low temperatures. One of the oldest known olive trees is over 3,000 years old and it still bears fruit in Crete. Today there are about 800 million olive trees growing on
Is it a Bird? Is it Manuka? No, it´s Raw Heather Honey!
Primeval humans gathered and ate the honey and honeycombs of wild bees, the only available sweet, as far back as 7,000 BC. The healing benefits of honey have been known since the ancient Egyptian civilization. There are many varieties of honey available today. One which is absolutely exceptional is Heather honey. Heather honey (Calluna vulgaris)
Primeval humans gathered and ate the honey and honeycombs of wild bees, the only available sweet, as far back as 7,000 BC. The healing benefits of honey have been known since the ancient Egyptian civilization. There are many varieties of honey available today. One which is absolutely exceptional is Heather honey. Heather honey (Calluna vulgaris)
Which are the Best Oils for Cooking?
Oils and fats are used for cooking and flavouring food in many ways. Here are some: So, which are the best oils for cooking and use in the kitchen? To begin with let´s remember the types of fats that are present in oils and fats. TYPES OF FATS Fats are either saturated or unsaturated, and
Oils and fats are used for cooking and flavouring food in many ways. Here are some: So, which are the best oils for cooking and use in the kitchen? To begin with let´s remember the types of fats that are present in oils and fats. TYPES OF FATS Fats are either saturated or unsaturated, and
What is Raw Honey?
Honey is a natural sweet substance produced by different species of bees from the nectar of flowering plants. It is one of the most valued natural products introduced to humankind since ancient times, going back thousands of years. In its natural pure raw unprocessed state, it offers many health benefits and medical benefits. Standard natural
Honey is a natural sweet substance produced by different species of bees from the nectar of flowering plants. It is one of the most valued natural products introduced to humankind since ancient times, going back thousands of years. In its natural pure raw unprocessed state, it offers many health benefits and medical benefits. Standard natural
Types of Olive Oil
Olive oil is the only edible oil that is extracted directly from a fresh fruit, and can be eaten fresh without a loss of quality or components. Approximately 4 to 5 kilos of olives are needed to make just one litre of oil. The grades of oil extracted from the olive fruit are classified into
Olive oil is the only edible oil that is extracted directly from a fresh fruit, and can be eaten fresh without a loss of quality or components. Approximately 4 to 5 kilos of olives are needed to make just one litre of oil. The grades of oil extracted from the olive fruit are classified into
Raw Honey vs Regular Honey: What’s The Difference?
Like with all foods, there are quite a few differences. The most significant difference by far between the different types of honey is the way it is processed. The reason why there are differences is that consumers have different demands. Most consumers want a perfect colour, clarity, taste and consistency every time they buy a
Like with all foods, there are quite a few differences. The most significant difference by far between the different types of honey is the way it is processed. The reason why there are differences is that consumers have different demands. Most consumers want a perfect colour, clarity, taste and consistency every time they buy a
Raw Honey and Your Health
Honey is a natural sweet substance produced by different species of bees from the nectar of flowering plants. It is one of the most valued natural products introduced to humankind since ancient times, going back thousands of years. In its natural pure raw unprocessed state, it offers many health benefits and medical benefits. Raw honey
Honey is a natural sweet substance produced by different species of bees from the nectar of flowering plants. It is one of the most valued natural products introduced to humankind since ancient times, going back thousands of years. In its natural pure raw unprocessed state, it offers many health benefits and medical benefits. Raw honey
Spain´s Mediterranean Diet
Everyone, it seems, is raging about the Mediterranean Diet. Headlines constantly praise it for lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, depression, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, inflammatory diseases and dementia – not to mention its fame as a way to lose weight. In Spain, the Mediterranean Diet is not a thing of scientific journals or weight loss websites, it is
Everyone, it seems, is raging about the Mediterranean Diet. Headlines constantly praise it for lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, depression, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, inflammatory diseases and dementia – not to mention its fame as a way to lose weight. In Spain, the Mediterranean Diet is not a thing of scientific journals or weight loss websites, it is
What is the Most Effective Weight Loss Diet Over the long Term?
We spend our lives looking for solutions when, quite often, we have the answer right under our own noses. Something as simple as eating! We are fascinated and blinded by “wellness”, “weight loss magic” or the latest miracle diet of the month pushed by self-proclaimed gurus or clever marketing companies. The hooks are invariably the
We spend our lives looking for solutions when, quite often, we have the answer right under our own noses. Something as simple as eating! We are fascinated and blinded by “wellness”, “weight loss magic” or the latest miracle diet of the month pushed by self-proclaimed gurus or clever marketing companies. The hooks are invariably the