Ozonated Oil has been used for over 100 years and was once sold by the famous inventor Nikola Tesla under the name Glycozone. It was approved by the US Surgeon General for use for healing purposes. Many natural therapies, including Ozonated Oil, are having a very strong global resurgence with very good reason. Ozonated Oil has excellent antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, healing, regenerative and antioxidant properties.
The market
There is a very strong global market trend towards natural, organic products that are effective, and scientifically proven which is resulting in very fast growth rates for our products. Ozonated Oil based products especially have experienced very significant growth rates, above the global average.
Market studies and consumer surveys (such as McKinsey´s) highlight trends towards:
- Natural and organic products
- Effective and scientifically proven
- Improved women´s health
- Healthy aging
- More preventative medicine
- Recommended by a healthcare professional
- Gut health. 80% of consumers in China, US and UK consider gastrointestinal function or gut health very important and 50+% want more products
- Longevity products, 70% of consumers are planning to buy more in the near future
- Fitness, sleep and weight management are also important
Our products address the first 7 trends indicated above. The global natural cosmetics and food supplements market has a CAGR of between 5 and 10%. The ozone oil and therapy market is at the higher end of this range. We have been growing at 20+%/year since the company was founded.

How is our Ozonated Oil produced?
Ozone, also known as Activated Oxygen, is created by taking pure oxygen and electrically charging it. The oxygen is converted into pure Ozone or O3. Ozone is then pumped into the desired raw oil where the electrically charged oxygen is slowly infused. The subsequent redox reaction results in Ozonated Oil containing outstanding trioxolanes, peroxides and other compounds with many beneficial properties while the ozone totally disappears.
Our proprietary manufacturing process (patent pending) uses a very low temperature and a very controlled diffusion of filtered ozone gas over top quality oils. It is processed in a controlled environment at a temperature, pressure, relative humidity and diffusion rate that guarantees the integrity, quality and final properties of the Ozonated oil.
What do our Ozonated Products Offer?
Our Ozonated Cosmetics and Dietary Supplement Products, which are based on our Ozonated Oil, are natural, organic, ecological, animal cruelty-free, vegan and sustainable.
One of our core competencies is developing Ozonated Oils with very unique properties. Another is formulating innovative products using synergies between our own Ozonated Oils together with other powerful active ingredients resulting in differentiated, very effective and ground breaking Ozonated Natural Cosmetics, Food Supplements and other Products such as Massage Oils, all with scientifically proven efficiency.
Our products have quite unique properties. They are antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral, regenerative and antioxidant which are very difficult to find in one single product. They are also:
- Light
- Very stable and
- Provides high skin-penetration capability

The key properties of our products include:
- Bactericide1
- Even the most resistant bacteria cannot withstand the breakdown of their cellular osmosis and die.
- Virucide3
- The oxidative effect on structural proteins and lipids of the viruses impedes their life cycle.
- Antioxidant5
- Free radicals are stabilized and H2O2 activates antioxidant enzymatic pathways.
- Fungicide2
- Through the destabilization of their lipid membrane, fungal cells die.
- Healing4
- Cells get the oxygen they need to make ATP and recover.
- Bacterial flora6
- Invasive bacteria die, the flora itself has genetic and innate recovery capacity.
It is, of course, totally safe7 as its use is scientifically and medically proven and, importantly, they do not have any side effects.
Additionally, structural analysis of our world-class ozonated oil confirm the presence of molecules such as Trioleins and Azelaic Acid, produced by our proprietary process,which are not present in other ozonated oils:

Azelaic acid
Present in many whole grains, it can be beneficial for restoring levels of glucose as well as having numerous benefits in cosmetics. In topical applications, azelaic acid causes minimal skin irritation compared to other compounds.
The main component of human body fat and an important component of human skin oil. These fatty acids are the best for regenerating, moisturising, nourishing and soothing the skin as they are the same oils that are generated naturally by our skin.

What makes our Ozonated Oil & Finished Products different?
Here is a summary of what makes our products so very different from others on the market.
- Our company:
- Unique, fully controlled manufacturing process and ingredients (patent pending)
- Innovation & continuous research:
- New Ozonated Oils
- Unique products
- Top quality packaging and marketing
- Awards and recognitions:
- Most innovative material
- Most innovative company
- What our customers say: the best Ozonated Oil on the market
- Our Ozonated Oil active ingredient key differences:
- Our patent-pending cold, fully controlled manufacturing process is key
- Contains triolein, a natural structural compound of the skin
- Contains natural azelaic acid which is very beneficial
- Significantly less degradation & odour than all other ozonated oils
- Very stable & no volatile ozonides due to cold process (patented)
- Consistent properties batch to batch
- Much wider range of PVs & final product properties
- The only Ozonated Oil on the market with a Cosmos organic certification
- Our Natural Cosmetics, Food Supplements and Other finished products key differences:
- Deeply penetrate the skin with nourishing and softening action
- Have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
- Provide skin elasticity, firmness and deep hydration
- Promote healing and skin regeneration
- Promote a healthy microbiota
- Increase elastin and collagen levels
The Importance of Peroxide Value (PV)
The strength of Ozonated Oil is measured by the amount of peroxide (H2O2) in the product, the Peroxide Value (PV). PV represents the amount of peroxides expressed in milliequivalents of Activated Oxygen contained in 1 kg of product (mEqO2/kg). Measuring this value is also critical to determine the quality and establish the therapeutic effect of each ozonated oil.
The evaluation process of the peroxide value and the therapeutic effect of ozonated oil should follow the method recommended by the International Scientific Committee on Ozone Therapy (ISCO3). ISCO3 is the international independent scientific medical body for ozone therapy.
The three Ozonated Oil PV levels defined by ISCO3 for different therapeutic effects are:
- Low, 400 PV – A low peroxide value has excellent regenerative properties because it has greater healing activity with enhanced action to induce the synthesis of Growth Factors and accelerate the cell cycle.
- Medium, 600 PV – An intermediate peroxide value has an antiseptic action as well as promoting cell cycle. It enables tissue proliferation in a hyper oxygenated environment.
- High, 1200 PV – A high peroxide value has higher antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties because of the greater release of peroxides and antiseptic action e.g. open wounds have a greater tendency to be infected and therefore need fast antiseptic action.

The stability, safety and effectiveness of Ozonized Oils has been extensively studied and scientifically and medically proven. Some applications for each of the three Ozonated Oil PV levels include:
- Low, 400 PV
- Post-surgical oral administration
- Diseases of the intestinal tract e.g. Helicobacter pylori
- Regeneration of facial and body skin and mucous membranes
- Rosacea
- Acne
- Stimulation of granulation (in wounds)
- Cicatrisation or scar formation
- Trophic ulcers
- Burns with clear granulation
- Medium, 600 PV
- Vaginal mucosa (vulvovaginitis)
- Rectal mucosa (hemorrhoids)
- Nasal mucosa
- Epithelial trophic ulcers
- Skin and scalp care
- Anti-aging
- Insect bites
- Stimulates intestinal flora growth
- High, 1200 PV
- Wounds and ulcers with severe infection
- Gingivitis
- Alveolitis
- Herpes simplex
- Herpes zoster
- Fungi (various)

Production Quality
The overall quality of ozonated oils depends on various parameters such as:
- The type and power of the Ozone generators. Generators for medical and domestic use are not appropriate for ozonation of oils / fats for therapeutic use. Inappropriate aldehydes are generated for the skin.
- Ozonation conditions. Ozone dispersion, diffusion and mixing rate, recirculation, temperature, catalysts, temperature at which ozonation occurs (degradation of acids, fatty acids) and other factors..
- The degree of purity of oxygen. The use of unconcentrated atmospheric air for ozone production, promotes the appearance of toxic nitrogen derivatives and significantly decreases the efficiency of ozonation.
- Monitoring. Continuous and careful monitoring of physical and chemical properties of the oil during the ozonation process
Ozonated Oil Mechanism
Ozone reacts with the double bonds of the unsaturated fatty acids present in the oil forming important and beneficial compounds. The ozonolysis chemical reaction creates exceptional chemical compounds such as trioxolanes and peroxides which are responsible for the main therapeutic and biological effects of ozonated oils. They present marked antimicrobial activity and tissue repair properties.
Ozonated oils from olive oil (Olea europea) exert various biological benefits, mostly due to its antioxidant compounds, especially phenolics. The use of olive oil for the production of ozonated oils improves the antioxidant effect and cell regeneration properties.
Ozonated oils are used topically in wound healing, anaerobic and herpetic infections, trophic ulcers, cellulitis, abscesses, anal fissures, fistulas, gingivitis and vulvovaginitis without any side effects. They accelerate the healing of acute skin wounds by increasing the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-β1) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGP).
In food supplements, Ozonated Oils are used for their beneficial effects on the digestive system, the immune system and a wide range of medical conditions and applications as indicated above.

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