a8 Spanish way of life

Spain´s Mediterranean Diet

Everyone, it seems, is raging about the Mediterranean Diet. Headlines constantly praise it for lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, depression, Parkinson’s,  Alzheimer’s, inflammatory diseases and dementia – not to mention its fame as a way to lose weight. In Spain, the Mediterranean Diet is not a thing of scientific journals or weight loss websites, it is

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extra virgin olive oil nanako

Cornicabra Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Packing a Powerful Health Punch

Cornicabra olive oil is a variety of olive native to Mora de Toledo (Castilla La Mancha, Spain), and its cultivation area is spread mainly through the Tagus river valley (Madrid, Toledo, Cáceres) and also extensive areas between Badajoz and Ciudad Real. It is the second Spanish olive variety in terms of cultivated area, with some

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food fraud

Understanding Food Adulteration

Introduction Food adulteration is as old as commerce itself. However, modern food supply chains have significantly increased opportunities for it to occur. Adulteration is a legal term meaning that a food product fails to meet the legal regulatory standards. However, food adulteration (or food fraud) does not have a universally accepted definition. The European Union

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Polyphenols and Your Health

What are polyphenols? Polyphenols are organic compounds that are the by-products of plant synthesis and are known as phytochemicals. They are highly regarded for their health promoting properties and can be found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes, beverages (coffee, tea and wine), red wine, chocolate, fats (olive oil) as well as spices

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What is Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

Olive oil is obtained from the fruit of the olive tree (Olea europaea, family Oleaceae), a traditional tree crop of the Mediterranean region. Whole olives are pressed to produce this distinctive oil. Wild olives were collected by Neolithic peoples as early as 8,000 BC. Olive trees were first domesticated in Asia Minor in 6,000 BC

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