Natural ingredients have grown for their efficacy and gentlenes on the skin. One of them, Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) stands out not only for its use and benefits in cooking but also for its remarkble benefits for the skin. Rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and healthy fats EVOO is a adaptable and potent ingredient that
Natural vs Regular Cosmetics
The history of cosmetics spans at least 7,000 years and is present in almost every society on Earth. Archaeological evidence for the existence of cosmetics dates back to ancient Egypt and Greece. Some sources mention the use of castoroil in ancient Egypt as a protective conditioner and creams made from beeswax, olive oil and rose
The history of cosmetics spans at least 7,000 years and is present in almost every society on Earth. Archaeological evidence for the existence of cosmetics dates back to ancient Egypt and Greece. Some sources mention the use of castoroil in ancient Egypt as a protective conditioner and creams made from beeswax, olive oil and rose
Natural Skin Care & Cosmetics: Effective, Safer and Eco-friendly
Natural skin care products use topical creams and lotions made of ingredients available in nature. They serve to beautify and care for the human body by means of natural ingredients. This is made possible with natural raw materials, friendly to both the skin and the environment. As a opposed to regular or synthetic cosmetics, they
Natural skin care products use topical creams and lotions made of ingredients available in nature. They serve to beautify and care for the human body by means of natural ingredients. This is made possible with natural raw materials, friendly to both the skin and the environment. As a opposed to regular or synthetic cosmetics, they
What is Ozonated Oil?
Ozonated Oil products (based on olive, sunflower, jojoba, rosemary, sesame, castor, cocout or other oils) provide a variety of scientifically and medically proven health benefits (see references below). They are used in cosmetics, skin care, beauty care, medical / pharmaceutical, food and animal products. Some of the main benefits and typical uses of Ozonated Oils
Ozonated Oil products (based on olive, sunflower, jojoba, rosemary, sesame, castor, cocout or other oils) provide a variety of scientifically and medically proven health benefits (see references below). They are used in cosmetics, skin care, beauty care, medical / pharmaceutical, food and animal products. Some of the main benefits and typical uses of Ozonated Oils