ozonated oil

What is Ozonated Oil?

Ozonated Oil products (based on olive, sunflower, jojoba, rosemary, sesame, castor, cocout or other oils) provide a variety of scientifically and medically proven health benefits (see references below). They are used in cosmetics, skin care, beauty care, medical / pharmaceutical, food and animal products. Some of the main benefits and typical uses of Ozonated Oils

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Breakthrough: Odourless Ozonated Oil

Using our recently developed breakthrough deodorization process we have obtained Ozonated (or Ozonized) Oil with: We have significantly improved our formulations, with the main goal of providing our customers with a product which has a far wider application spectrum in the cosmetics market. The results are confirmed: after the deodorization process has been applied our Ozonated Oils

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Reduce premature skin aging and regenerate damaged skin with Skincare Ozonated Cosmetics

A study confirmed the significant anti-aging effects of Ozonated Olive Oil (or Ozonized Olive Oil) used in Skincare Ozonated Cosmetics, demonstrating improvements in collagen and elastin production. It resulted in an improvement in the ability of the skin to avoid the effects of skin aging and increasing the skin´s strength and elastic properties by increasing

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